18人参与 • 2025-02-13 • Node.js
代码定义了一个异步函数 fetchurlcontent,用于获取指定 url 的内容。主要功能如下:
/** * 异步获取指定url的内容 * 该函数首先发送一个http head请求,以检查url的内容类型和大小 * 如果内容类型为html且大小在允许范围内,则进一步发送get请求获取实际内容 * * @param url 目标url地址 * @returns promise对象,解析后返回url的内容,如果发生错误则拒绝promise */ export async function fetchurlcontent(url: string) { return axios .head(url, { validatestatus: () => true, maxcontentlength: configs.fetch_url_info.max_response_size, headers: { 'content-type': 'charset:utf-8', accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br' }, timeout: configs.fetch_url_info.timeout }) .then((res) => { // 检查内容大小是否超出限制 if (res?.headers?.['content-length'] && parseint(res?.headers['content-length']) > configs.fetch_url_info.max_response_size) { logger.log('[url] 限制:', url, res?.headers['content-length'], res?.headers['content-type']); return promise.reject(new customerror('url_content_error', '不支持该url内容解析')); } // 检查内容类型是否为html if (res?.headers['content-type']?.includes('text/html')) { return axios .get(url, { headers: { accept: 'text/html', 'content-type': 'text/html;charset:utf-8', 'user-agent': configs.fetch_url_info.user_agent }, timeout: configs.fetch_url_info.timeout }) .then((res) => { if (res) { logger.log('[url] 爬取成功 axios', url); // 再次检查内容大小是否超出限制 if (res.data?.length > configs.fetch_url_info.max_response_size) { logger.log('[url] buffer大小: ', url, res.data?.length); return promise.reject(new customerror('url_content_error', '内容过大解析失败')); } return res.data; } return promise.reject(res); }) .catch((e) => { logger.error('[url] fetch get', url, e.message); throw new customerror('url_get_fetch_error', '不支持该url内容解析'); }); } return promise.reject(new customerror('url_unvalid_error', '不支持该url内容解析')); }) .catch((e) => { logger.error('[url] fetch head', url, e.message); throw new customerror('url_head_fetch_error', '不支持该url内容解析'); }); }
/** * 解析url内容 * @param url 页面url * @param html 页面html内容 * @returns 返回包含url、图标、简介和标题的对象 */ export async function parseurlcontent(url: string, html: string): promise<{ url: string; icon: string; intro: string; title: string }> { const $ = load(html); let title = ''; let intro = ''; let icon = ''; // 获取标题节点 const titleel = $('title'); if (titleel?.text()) { title = titleel?.text(); } // 获取icon const linkel = $('link'); const links: string[] = []; if (linkel) { linkel.each((_i, el) => { const rel = $(el).attr('rel'); const href = $(el).attr('href'); if (rel?.includes('icon') && href) { links.push(href); } }); } logger.log('[url] 获取icon', links); if (links.length) { icon = resolveurl(url, links[0]); } /** * 获取meta属性 * @param metaelement * @param name * @returns */ const getpropertycontent = (element, name: string) => { const propertyname = $(element)?.attr('property') || $(element)?.attr('name'); return propertyname === name ? $(element)?.attr('content') || '' : ''; }; // 获取详情 const metas = $('meta'); for (const meta of metas) { if (title && intro) { break; } // 如果没有标题 if (!title) { const titleoattr = ['og:title', 'twitter:title']; for (const attr of titleoattr) { const text = getpropertycontent(meta, attr); if (text) { title = text; break; } } } // 简介 if (!intro) { const introattr = ['description', 'og:description', 'twitter:description']; for (const attr of introattr) { const description = getpropertycontent(meta, attr); if (description) { intro = description; break; } } } // icon if (!icon) { const imageattr = ['og:image', 'twitter:image']; for (const attr of imageattr) { const image = getpropertycontent(meta, attr); if (image) { intro = resolveurl(url, image); break; } } } } // 没有简介提取全部 if (!intro) { const body = $('body').html(); intro = body ? htmlstringreplace(body, configs.fetch_url_info.max_intro_length) : ''; } logger.log('[url] 爬取结果', { url, title, intro, icon }); return { url, title: title?.trim() || '', intro: intro?.trim() || '', icon }; }
这段 typescript 代码定义了一个异步函数 parseurlcontent,用于解析 html 内容并提取 url 的标题、图标、简介和原始 url。具体步骤如下:
// js演示 var axios = require('axios'); var data = json.stringify({ url: 'https://xygeng.cn/post/200' }); // 注意只支持post请求 var config = { method: 'post', url: 'https://api.xygeng.cn/openapi/url/info', headers: { 'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10_15_7) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/ safari/537.36', 'content-type': 'application/json', accept: '*/*', connection: 'keep-alive' }, data: data }; axios(config) .then(function (response) { console.log(json.stringify(response.data)); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); });
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