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Dhtmlx Gantt教程:创建交互式甘特图的完整指南

374人参与 2024-08-02 网页播放器


初识dhtmlx gantt

dhtmlx gantt配置项 

dhtmlx gantt基础操作


初识dhtmlx gantt

dhtmlx gantt介绍:主要是用来创建和管理甘特图的工具库,甘特图是一种项目管理图表,通过条形图展示任务的开始时间、持续时间和完成进度,同时显示任务之间的依赖关系。dhtmlx gantt提供了丰富的功能和可定制选项,开发者可以轻松构建出功能强大、直观清晰的甘特图,用于项目计划和进度管理,从而使得用户可以灵活地配置和显示项目的时间轴、任务列表、资源分配情况等信息。这里我们可以阅读一下dhtmlx gantt的官网了解详细信息:地址 :



npm i dhtmlx-gantt


import { gantt} from "dhtmlx-gantt";
import "dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css";


npm install @dhx/trial-gantt


import { gantt} from "@dhx/trial-gantt";
import "@dhx/trial-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css";


import { useeffect, useref } from 'react';
import { gantt } from 'dhtmlx-gantt';
import 'dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css';
import './index.less'

const data = {
    // 任务数据
    data: [
            id: 1,
            text: 'projectname',
            start_date: '01-04-2023',
            end_date: '05-12-2023',
            progress: 0.3,
            value: 20,
            id: 2,
            text: '任务1',
            start_date: '02-04-2023',
            end_date: '11-07-2023',
            progress: 0.6,
            value: 20,

            id: 3,
            text: '任务211',
            start_date: '02-04-2023',
            end_date: '23-07-2023',
            progress: 0,
            value: 20,

    // 任务连线数据
    links: [
        { id: 1, source: 1, target: 2, type: '1' },
        { id: 2, source: 2, target: 3, type: '0' }

// 左侧标题数据
const columns = [
    { name: 'text', label: '项目名称',  width: 100, align: "center" },
    { name: 'start_date', label: '开始时间', width: 100, align: "center" },
    { name: 'start_date', label: '开始时间', width: 100, align: "center" },
    { name: 'value', label: '计划工期', width: 100, align: "center" },

const ganttview = () => {
    // 获取gantrt容器实例
    const ganttref = useref<any>();
    // 初始化gantt
    const initgantt = () => {
        // 基础配置
        gantt.clearall() // 清空之前的配置
        gantt.i18n.setlocale('cn'); // 设置中文
        gantt.config.readonly = true; // 设置为只读,否则是可以移动甘特图和连线的
        gantt.init(ganttref.current); // 初始化甘特图
        gantt.parse(data); // 渲染数据
        gantt.config.order_branch = "marker";

        // 表头样式设置
        gantt.config.scale_height = 60; // 设置表头高度
        gantt.config.sort = true; // 点击表头可排序
        gantt.config.columns = columns; // 设置左侧表头数据
        gantt.config.scales = [ // 设置表头右侧刻度
            // 设置时间刻度相关属性
            // 显示月日用这个
            // { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: '%y-%m' },
            // { unit: 'day', step: 1, format: '%y-%m-%d' }
            // 显示年月用这个
            { unit: 'year', step: 1, format: '%y' },
            { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: '%m' }

        // 表内容样式设置
        gantt.config.row_height = 40; // 设置内容行高
        gantt.config.bar_height = 40; // 设置进度条高度
        gantt.templates.task_text = function (start, end, task) { // 自定义内容进度上的文本
            return '内容'
        // 表内容背景颜色
        gantt.templates.task_row_class = function (start, end, task) {
            return "gantt_task111";

        // tooltips样式设置
            tooltip: true,
        gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x = 10; 
        gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y = 30;
        gantt.templates.tooltip_text = function (start, end, task) {
            return (
                task.text +
                '<br/><span>开始:</span> ' +
                gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(start) +
                '<br/><span>结束:</span> ' +
                gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(end) +
                '<br/><span>进度:</span> ' +
                // math.round(task.progress * 100) +

        // 设置连线事件
        gantt.config.show_links = true;

    useeffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return (
        <div classname="ganttview">
            <div classname='ganttcontainer' ref={ganttref}></div>
export default ganttview;


dhtmlx gantt配置项 



gantt.parse 方法中的 data 参数是一个包含任务信息的数组。每个任务都包含多个字段,下面是一些常用的字段及其作用:
id: 任务的唯一标识符。
text: 任务的名称。
start_date: 任务的开始日期,可以是一个字符串或者一个 date 对象。
end_date: 任务的结束日期,可以是一个字符串或者一个 date 对象。
duration: 任务的持续时间,以天为单位。如果 end_date 和 duration 都提供了,duration 会被忽略。
progress: 任务的进度,以百分比表示。
parent: 父任务的 id,如果当前任务是顶级任务,则该字段为 0。
open: 是否展开当前任务的子任务。如果不提供,默认为 true。
state: 用于设置任务的状态。状态可以是任何自定义值,例如 "in progress"、"completed"、"cancelled" 等等。在 gantt 图中,任务的状态可以通过任务条颜色、边框、文本样式等 visulization 属性进行自定义渲染,以便用户更直观地了解任务状态的变化。可以在 gantt 文档中的 visualization 属性部分了解有关自定义任务状态可视化的更多信息。
除了上面列出的常用字段之外,还有很多其他可选字段,例如 color、link、type 等,可以根据实际需求来添加。

const data = [
  { id: 1, text: "task 1", start_date: "2023-03-15", duration: 3 },
  { id: 2, text: "task 2", start_date: "2023-03-18", duration: 2, parent: 1 },

links数组:链接数据数组,包含每个链接的信息,例如 id、source、target 等等。

// 任务连线数据
links: [
    { id: 1, source: 1, target: 2, type: '1' },
    { id: 2, source: 2, target: 3, type: '0' }


key: 任务数据对象中唯一标识每个任务的属性名称,默认为 "id"。
parent: 任务数据对象中用于标识父任务的属性名称,默认为 "parent".
open_tree_initially: 布尔值,如果设置为 true,则所有任务默认展开。
preserve_links: 布尔值,如果设置为 true,则链接信息中的任务不存在时也会保留链接。
preserve_tasks: 布尔值,如果设置为 true,则链接信息中的任务不存在时也会保留任务。
gantt.clearall() // 清空之前的配置
gantt.i18n.setlocale('cn'); // 设置中文
gantt.config.readonly = true; // 设置为只读,否则是可以移动甘特图和连线的
gantt.init(ganttref.current); // 初始化甘特图
gantt.parse(data); // 渲染数据
// 甘特图样式设置
gantt.config.scale_height = 60; // 设置表头高度
// 设置头部左侧表头标题背景颜色
gantt.templates.grid_header_class = function (date, scale) {
    return "gantt_grid_head111";
// 设置左侧标题表内容背景颜色
gantt.templates.grid_row_class = function (date, scale) {
    return "gantt_scale_cell111";
// 设置头部右侧上标题内容背景颜色
gantt.templates.scale_cell_class = function (scale) {
    return "gantt_grid_head111";
// 设置头部右侧下标题内容背景颜色
gantt.templates.scale_row_class = function (scale) {
    return "gantt_grid_head111";
// 设置表主内容背景颜色
gantt.templates.task_row_class = function (start, end, task) {
    return "gantt_task111";
gantt.config.sort = true; // 设置点击左侧表头可排序
gantt.config.columns = columns; // 设置左侧表头数据
gantt.config.scales = [ // 设置表头右侧刻度
    // 设置时间刻度相关属性
    // 显示月日用这个
    // { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: '%y-%m' },
    // { unit: 'day', step: 1, format: '%y-%m-%d' }
    // 显示年月用这个
    { unit: 'year', step: 1, format: '%y' },
    { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: '%m' }
// 表内容样式设置
gantt.config.row_height = 40; // 设置内容行高
gantt.config.bar_height = 40; // 设置进度条高度
gantt.templates.task_text = function (start, end, task) { // 自定义内容进度上的文本
    return '内容'
// tooltips样式设置
    tooltip: true,
    // quick_info: true, // 快速信息框
    // multiselect: true,// 激活多任务选择
gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x = 10; // 设置tooltips水平偏移量
gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y = 30; // 设置tooltips垂直偏移量
gantt.templates.tooltip_text = function (start, end, task) {
    return (
        task.text +
        '<br/><span>开始:</span> ' +
        gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(start) +
        '<br/><span>结束:</span> ' +
        gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(end) +
        '<br/><span>进度:</span> ' +
        // math.round(task.progress * 100) +

dhtmlx gantt基础操作



import { useeffect, useref } from 'react';
import { gantt } from 'dhtmlx-gantt';
import 'dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css';

const ganttview = () => {
    // 获取gantrt容器实例
    const ganttref = useref<any>();
    // 初始化gantt
    const initgantt = () => {
        gantt.clearall() // 清空之前的配置
        gantt.i18n.setlocale('cn'); // 设置中文
        gantt.config.readonly = true; // 设置为只读,否则是可以移动甘特图和连线的
        gantt.init(ganttref.current); // 初始化甘特图
        gantt.parse(data); // 渲染数据

    useeffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return (
        <div classname="ganttview">
            <div classname='ganttcontainer' ref={ganttref}></div>
export default ganttview;


const data = {
    data: [ // 任务数据
        { id: 1, text: '任务1', start_date: '01-04-2023', end_date: '05-12-2023', progress: 0.3 },
        { id: 2, text: '任务1', start_date: '02-04-2023', end_date: '11-07-2023', progress: 0.6 },
        { id: 3, text: '任务3', start_date: '12-07-2023', end_date: '09-09-2023', progress: 0 }
    links: [ // 任务连线数据
        { id: 1, source: 1, target: 2, type: '1' },
        { id: 2, source: 2, target: 3, type: '0' }

const columns = [ // 左侧标题数据
    { name: 'text', label: '项目名称',  width: 100, align: "center" },
    { name: 'start_date', label: '开始时间', width: 100, align: "center" },
    { name: 'end_date', label: '结束时间', width: 100, align: "center" },


const initgantt = () => {
    // 基础配置
    gantt.clearall() // 清空之前的配置
    gantt.i18n.setlocale('cn'); // 设置中文
    gantt.config.readonly = false; // 设置为只读,否则是可以移动甘特图和连线的
    gantt.init(ganttref.current); // 初始化甘特图
    gantt.parse(data); // 渲染数据

    // 甘特图样式设置
    gantt.config.scale_height = 60; // 设置表头高度
    // 设置头部左侧表头标题背景颜色
    gantt.templates.grid_header_class = function (date, scale) {
        return "gantt_grid_head111";
    // 设置左侧标题表内容背景颜色
    gantt.templates.grid_row_class = function (date, scale) {
        return "gantt_scale_cell111";
    // 设置头部右侧上标题内容背景颜色
    gantt.templates.scale_cell_class = function (scale) {
        return "gantt_grid_head111";
    // 设置头部右侧下标题内容背景颜色
    gantt.templates.scale_row_class = function (scale) {
        return "gantt_grid_head111";
    // 设置表主内容背景颜色
    gantt.templates.task_row_class = function (start, end, task) {
        return "gantt_task111";
    gantt.config.sort = true; // 设置点击左侧表头可排序
    gantt.config.columns = columns; // 设置左侧表头数据
    gantt.config.scales = [ // 设置表头右侧刻度
        // 设置时间刻度相关属性
        // 显示月日用这个
        // { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: '%y-%m' },
        // { unit: 'day', step: 1, format: '%y-%m-%d' }
        // 显示年月用这个
        { unit: 'year', step: 1, format: '%y' },
        { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: '%m' }

    // 表内容样式设置
    gantt.config.row_height = 40; // 设置内容行高
    gantt.config.bar_height = 40; // 设置进度条高度
    gantt.templates.task_text = function (start, end, task) { // 自定义内容进度上的文本
        return '内容'

    // tooltips样式设置
    gantt.plugins({ tooltip: true });
    gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x = 10; // 设置tooltips水平偏移量
    gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y = 30; // 设置tooltips垂直偏移量
    gantt.templates.tooltip_text = function (start, end, task: any) {
        return (
            task.text +
            '<br/><span>开始:</span> ' +
            gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(start) +
            '<br/><span>结束:</span> ' +
            gantt.templates.tooltip_date_format(end) +
            '<br/><span>进度:</span> ' +
            math.round(task.progress * 100) +

    // 设置连线事件
    gantt.config.show_links = true;
    gantt.config.drag_project = true;




const data = {
    // 任务数据
    data: [
        //第一组 整条数据需要带上render属性  里面多段的数据parent执行整条的id
        { id: '1', name: '张三', render: 'split',  text: '' },
        { id: '1-1', parent: 1, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '15-06-2024 08:30', end_date: '15-06-2024: 10:30' },
        { id: '1-2', parent: 1, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '16-06-2024:23:00' },
        // 第二组
        { id: '2', name: '李四', render: 'split', text: '' },
        { id: '2-1', parent: 2, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '15-06-2024 18:30', end_date: '15-06-2024: 22:30' },
        { id: '2-2', parent: 2, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '16-06-2024:23:00' },

        // 第三组
        { id: '3', name: '王五', render: 'split', text: '' },
        { id: '3-1', parent: 3, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '15-06-2024 8:30', end_date: '15-06-2024: 22:30' },
        { id: '3-2', parent: 3, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '16-06-2024:23:00' },
        { id: '3-3', parent: 3, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '17-06-2024:3:00' },
        { id: '3-4', parent: 3, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '17-06-2024:2:00', end_date: '17-06-2024: 8:00' }


import { useeffect, useref } from 'react';
import { gantt } from 'dhtmlx-gantt';
import 'dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css';
import './index.less'

const data = {
    // 任务数据
    data: [
        //第一组 整条数据需要带上render属性  里面多段的数据parent执行整条的id
        { id: '1', name: '张三', render: 'split',  text: '' },
        { id: '1-1', parent: 1, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '15-06-2024 08:30', end_date: '15-06-2024: 10:30' },
        { id: '1-2', parent: 1, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '16-06-2024:23:00' },
        // 第二组
        { id: '2', name: '李四', render: 'split', text: '' },
        { id: '2-1', parent: 2, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '15-06-2024 18:30', end_date: '15-06-2024: 22:30' },
        { id: '2-2', parent: 2, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '16-06-2024:23:00' },

        // 第三组
        { id: '3', name: '王五', render: 'split', text: '' },
        { id: '3-1', parent: 3, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '15-06-2024 8:30', end_date: '15-06-2024: 22:30' },
        { id: '3-2', parent: 3, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '16-06-2024:23:00' },
        { id: '3-3', parent: 3, text: '休息', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024: 13:00', end_date: '17-06-2024:3:00' },
        { id: '3-4', parent: 3, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '17-06-2024:2:00', end_date: '17-06-2024: 8:00' },
        // { id: '3-4', parent: 3, text: '派工', color: '#008c8c', start_date: '16-06-2024:12:00', end_date: '17-06-2024: 8:00' },

// 左侧标题数据
const columns = [
    { name: 'id', label: '序号', resize: true,  max_width: 60, align: "center" },
    { name: 'name', label: '姓名', resize: true, max_width: 60, align: "center" },

const ganttview = () => {
    // 获取gantrt容器实例
    const ganttref = useref<any>();
    // 初始化gantt
    const initgantt = () => {
        gantt.clearall() // 清空之前的配置
        gantt.i18n.setlocale('cn'); // 设置中文
        gantt.config.readonly = true; // 设置为只读,否则是可以移动甘特图和连线的
        gantt.config.start_date = new date(2024, 5, 15); // 设置甘特图开始日期  
        gantt.config.end_date = new date(2024, 5, 18); // 设置甘特图结束日期  
        gantt.init(ganttref.current); // 初始化甘特图
        gantt.parse(data); // 渲染数据

        gantt.config.columns = columns; // 设置左侧表头数据
        gantt.config.scale_height = 60; // 设置表头高度
        gantt.config.min_column_width = 10; // 设置列最小宽度
        // 设置头部右侧上标题内容背景颜色
        gantt.templates.scale_cell_class = function (scale) {
            return "gantt_grid_head_top";

        gantt.config.scales = [ // 设置甘特图时间轴
            { unit: 'day', step: 1, format: '%y/%m/%d' },
            { unit: 'hour', step: 1, format: function(date) {  
                return date.gethours(); // 显示从0到23的小时范围  
        // 表内容样式设置
        gantt.templates.task_row_class = function (start, end, task) { // 设置表主内容背景颜色
            return "gantt_task_main_content";
        gantt.config.row_height = 40; // 设置内容行高
        gantt.config.bar_height = 40; // 设置进度条高度
        gantt.templates.task_text = function (start, end, task) {
            return `<div style="color: #fff; font-size: 12px;">${task?.text}</div>`;
        let count = 0
        gantt.templates.task_class = function(start, end, task) {  
            if (count < 1) {
                // 创建一个空对象来存储结果
                let tasksbyparent: { [key: string]: any[] } = {}; // 创建空对象来存储任务按父任务分组的结果
                // 遍历任务数组
       => {
                    if (task.parent) {
                        // 检查是否已经存在该parent对应的数组,如果不存在则创建一个空数组
                        if (!tasksbyparent[task.parent]) {
                            tasksbyparent[task.parent] = [];
                        // 将当前任务对象添加到对应parent值的数组中

                // 检查时间重叠并添加类名
                object.keys(tasksbyparent).foreach(parentid => {
                    let tasks = tasksbyparent[parentid];
                    for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
                        for (let j = i + 1; j < tasks.length; j++) {
                            if (tasksoverlap(tasks[i], tasks[j])) {
                                tasks[i].classname = (i % 2 === 0) ? 'custom-height-top2' : 'custom-height-bottom2';
                                tasks[j].classname = (j % 2 === 0) ? 'custom-height-top2' : 'custom-height-bottom2';

                    for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
                        for (let j = i + 1; j < tasks.length; j++) {
                            for (let k = j + 1; k < tasks.length; k++) {
                                if (tasksoverlap(tasks[i], tasks[j]) && tasksoverlap(tasks[i], tasks[k]) && tasksoverlap(tasks[j], tasks[k])) {
                                    // 为每个重叠任务分配不同的类名
                                    tasks[i].classname = 'custom-height-top3';
                                    tasks[j].classname = 'custom-height-bottom3';
                                    tasks[k].classname = 'custom-height-center3';
            return task.classname || ""; // 返回任务的类名,如果没有类名则返回空字符串

        // 检查两个任务时间段是否有重叠
        function tasksoverlap(task1: any, task2: any) {
            return (task1.start_date < task2.end_date && task2.start_date < task1.end_date);
        // tooltips样式设置
        gantt.plugins({ tooltip: true });
        gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x = 10; // 设置tooltips水平偏移量
        gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y = 30; // 设置tooltips垂直偏移量
        gantt.templates.tooltip_text = function (start: date, end: date, task: any): string {
            if (task.text) {
                return (
                    `<div class="gantt-tooltip">
                        <div class="gantt-tooltip-time">
                            <div class="time-word">当前时间:</div>
                            <div class="time-value">
                                <div class="time-value-content"><span>开始时间:</span>${start.tolocalestring()}</div>
                                <div class="time-value-content"><span>结束时间:</span>${end.tolocalestring()}</div>
                        <div class="gantt-tooltip-task">
                            <div class="task-word">当前任务:</div>
                            <div class="task-value">${task.text}</div>
            return "";

    useeffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return (
        <div classname="ganttview">
            <div classname='ganttcontainer' ref={ganttref} style={{ width: '100%' }}></div>
export default ganttview;


.ganttview {
    width: 100%;
    height: 250px;
    .ganttcontainer {
        width: 100vw;
        overflow: hidden;
        height: 100%;
        // 设置左侧头部数据
        .gantt_grid_scale {
            background-color: #dce8ee;
            .gantt_grid_head_cell {
                font-size: 14px;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: #000;
        // 设置右侧头部数据
        .gantt_task_scale {
            background-color: #dce8ee;
            .gantt_grid_head_top {
                font-size: 14px !important;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: #000;
            .gantt_scale_cell {
                font-size: 10px;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: #000;
        .gantt_task_main_content {
            background-color: #57ce7d;
         // 去除表格单元格的竖线  
        .gantt_task_cell.gantt_cell {  
            border-right: none !important;
        // 保留左侧标题单元格的竖线  
        .gantt_grid_data .gantt_cell {  
            border-right: 1px solid #dcdcdc !important; 
        /* 去除左侧标题和右侧表格内容的激活状态样式 */  
        .gantt_grid_data, .gantt_row.gantt_selected {
            background-color: transparent !important;
        // 去除左侧标题内容的悬停效果
        .gantt_row:hover {
            background: none !important; // 去除背景色  
        .gantt_row:active {
            background: none !important; // 去除背景色  

        .custom-height-top2 {
            height: 20px !important; /* 设置特定任务条的高度 */  
            line-height: 20px !important; /* 调整行高以垂直居中文本 */  
        .custom-height-bottom2 {
            height: 20px !important; /* 设置特定任务条的高度 */  
            line-height: 20px !important; /* 调整行高以垂直居中文本 */  
            margin-top: 20px;
        .custom-height-top3 {
            height: 13.3px !important; /* 设置特定任务条的高度 */  
            line-height: 13.3px !important; /* 调整行高以垂直居中文本 */  
        .custom-height-center3 {
            height: 13.3px !important; /* 设置特定任务条的高度 */  
            line-height: 13.3px !important; /* 调整行高以垂直居中文本 */  
            margin-top: 13.3px;
        .custom-height-bottom3 {
            margin-top: 26.6px;
            height: 13.3px !important; /* 设置特定任务条的高度 */  
            line-height: 13.3px !important; /* 调整行高以垂直居中文本 */  

// tooltips样式
.gantt_tooltip {
    background-color: #ccc;
    .gantt-tooltip-time {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        gap: 4px;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        .time-word {
            color: #000;
            font-size: 12px;
            font-weight: bold;
        .time-value {
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: column;
            gap: 2px;
            span {
                font-weight: bold;
    .gantt-tooltip-task {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        .task-word {
            color: #000;
            font-size: 12px;
            font-weight: bold;
        .task-value {
            color: red;


import { useeffect, useref } from 'react';
import { gantt } from 'dhtmlx-gantt';
import 'dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css';
import './index.less'

const data = {
    // 任务数据
    data: [
        //第一组 整条数据需要带上render属性  里面多段的数据parent执行整条的id
        { id: '1', name: '张三', render: 'split',  text: '' },
        { id: '1-1', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '14-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-2', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '15-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-3', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-4', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '17-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-5', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '18-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-6', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '19-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-7', parent: 1, text: '年', color: 'red', start_date: '20-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-8', parent: 1, text: '闲', color: 'green', start_date: '21-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-9', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '22-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-10', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '23-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-11', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '24-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-12', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '25-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-13', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '26-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-14', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '27-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-15', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '28-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-16', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '29-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-17', parent: 1, text: '闲', color: 'green', start_date: '30-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-18', parent: 1, text: '闲', color: 'green', start_date: '1-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-19', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '2-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-20', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '3-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-21', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '4-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-22', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '5-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-23', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '6-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-24', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '7-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-25', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '8-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-26', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '9-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-27', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '10-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-28', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '11-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-29', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '12-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '1-30', parent: 1, text: '工', color: 'red', start_date: '13-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        // 第二组
        { id: '2', name: '李四', render: 'split', text: '' },
        { id: '2-1', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '14-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-2', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '15-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-3', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-4', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '17-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-5', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '18-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-6', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '19-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-7', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '20-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-8', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '21-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-9', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '22-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-10', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '23-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-11', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '24-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-12', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '25-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-13', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '26-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-14', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '27-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-15', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '28-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-16', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '29-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-17', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '30-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-18', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '01-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-19', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '02-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-20', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '03-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-21', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '04-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-22', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '05-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-23', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '06-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-24', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '07-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-25', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '08-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-26', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '09-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-27', parent: 2, text: '闲', color: 'green', start_date: '10-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-28', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '11-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-29', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '12-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '2-30', parent: 2, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '13-07-2024', duration: 1 }, 

        // 第三组
        { id: '3', name: '王五1', render: 'split', text: '' },
        { id: '3-1', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '14-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-2', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '15-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-3', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '16-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-4', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '17-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-5', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '18-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-6', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '19-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-7', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '20-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-8', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '21-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-9', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '22-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-10', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '23-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-11', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '24-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-12', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '25-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-13', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '26-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-14', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '27-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-15', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '28-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-16', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '29-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-17', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '30-06-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-18', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '01-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-19', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '02-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-20', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '03-07-2024', duration: 1 }, 
        { id: '3-21', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '04-07-2024', duration: 1 }, 
        { id: '3-22', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '05-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-23', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '06-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-24', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '07-07-2024', duration: 1 }, 
        { id: '3-25', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '08-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-26', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '09-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-27', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '10-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-28', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '11-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-29', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '12-07-2024', duration: 1 },
        { id: '3-30', parent: 3, text: '工', color: 'blue', start_date: '13-07-2024', duration: 1 },

// 左侧标题数据
const columns = [
    { name: 'id', label: '序号', resize: true,  max_width: 60, align: "center" },
    { name: 'name', label: '姓名', resize: true, max_width: 60, align: "center" },

const ganttview1 = () => {
    // 获取gantrt容器实例
    const ganttref = useref<any>();
    // 初始化gantt
    const initgantt = () => {
        gantt.clearall() // 清空之前的配置
        gantt.i18n.setlocale('cn'); // 设置中文
        gantt.config.readonly = true; // 设置为只读,否则是可以移动甘特图和连线的
        gantt.config.start_date = new date(2024, 5, 14); // 设置甘特图开始日期  
        gantt.config.end_date = new date(2024, 6, 14); // 设置甘特图结束日期  
        gantt.init(ganttref.current); // 初始化甘特图
        gantt.parse(data); // 渲染数据

        gantt.config.columns = columns; // 设置左侧表头数据
        gantt.config.scale_height = 60; // 设置表头高度
        gantt.config.min_column_width = 10; // 设置列最小宽度
        // 设置头部右侧上标题内容背景颜色
        gantt.templates.scale_cell_class = function (scale) {
            return "gantt_grid_head_top";

        gantt.config.scales = [
            { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: function(date) {
                var formattedmonth ='%m')(date); // 获取月份的两位数字表示
                formattedmonth = formattedmonth.replace(/^0+/, ''); // 去除月份前面的零
                return formattedmonth + '月'; // 返回格式化后的月份字符串
            { unit: 'day', step: 1, format: function(date) {
                var formattedday ='%d')(date); // 获取天的两位数字表示  
                formattedday = formattedday.replace(/^0+/, ''); // 去除天数前面的零  
                return formattedday; // 返回格式化后的天数字符串  

        // 表内容样式设置
        gantt.templates.task_row_class = function (start, end, task) { // 设置表主内容背景颜色
            return "gantt_task_main_content";
        gantt.config.row_height = 40; // 设置内容行高
        gantt.config.bar_height = 40; // 设置进度条高度
        gantt.templates.task_text = function (start, end, task) {
            return `<div style="color: #fff; font-size: 14px;">${task?.text}</div>`;

        // tooltips样式设置
        gantt.plugins({ tooltip: true });
        gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x = 10; // 设置tooltips水平偏移量
        gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y = 30; // 设置tooltips垂直偏移量
        gantt.templates.tooltip_text = function (start: date, end: date, task: any): string {
            if (task.text) {
                return (
                    `<div class="gantt-tooltip">
                        <div class="gantt-tooltip-time-space">
                            <div class="time-word">当前时间:</div>
                            <div class="time-value">${start.getmonth() + 1}月${start.getdate()}日</div>
                        <div class="gantt-tooltip-task">
                            <div class="task-word">当前状态:</div>
                            <div class="task-value">${task.text}</div>
            return "";

    useeffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return (
        <div classname="ganttview2">
            <div classname='ganttcontainer' ref={ganttref} style={{ width: '100%' }}></div>
export default ganttview1;


.ganttview2 {
    width: 100%;
    height: 250px;
    .ganttcontainer {
        width: 100vw;
        overflow: hidden;
        height: 100%;
        // 设置左侧头部数据
        .gantt_grid_scale {
            background-color: #dce8ee;
            .gantt_grid_head_cell {
                font-size: 14px;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: #000;
        // 设置右侧头部数据
        .gantt_task_scale {
            background-color: #dce8ee;
            .gantt_grid_head_top {
                font-size: 14px !important;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: #000;
            .gantt_scale_cell {
                font-size: 10px;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: #000;
        // 保留左侧标题单元格的竖线  
        .gantt_grid_data .gantt_cell {  
            border-right: 1px solid #dcdcdc !important; 
        /* 去除左侧标题和右侧表格内容的激活状态样式 */  
        .gantt_grid_data, .gantt_row.gantt_selected {
            background-color: transparent !important;
        // 去除左侧标题内容的悬停效果
        .gantt_row:hover {
            background: none !important; // 去除背景色  
        .gantt_row:active {
            background: none !important; // 去除背景色  

// tooltips样式
.gantt_tooltip {
    background-color: #ccc;
    .gantt-tooltip-time-space {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        align-items: baseline;
        .time-word {
            color: #000;
            font-size: 12px;
            font-weight: bold;
        .time-value {
            color: #000;
    .gantt-tooltip-task {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        .task-word {
            color: #000;
            font-size: 12px;
            font-weight: bold;
        .task-value {
            color: red;


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multiple assets emit different content to the same filename index.html





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