92人参与 • 2024-08-06 • 数据结构
#define table_size 19
typedef struct node {
int key;
char value;
typedef struct hashlist {
int length;
nodeptr elements;
listptr initlist(int* parakeys, char* paravalues, int paralength) {
int i, tempposition;
listptr resultptr = (listptr)malloc(sizeof(struct hashlist));
resultptr->length = paralength;
resultptr->elements = (nodeptr)malloc(table_size * sizeof(struct node));
for (i = 0; i < table_size; i++) {
resultptr->elements[i].key = -1;
resultptr->elements[i].value = 'x';
for (i = 0; i < paralength; i++) {
tempposition = parakeys[i] % table_size;
while (resultptr->elements[tempposition].key != -1) {
tempposition = (tempposition + 1) % table_size;
printf("collision, move forward for key %d.\r\n", parakeys[i]);
resultptr->elements[tempposition].key = parakeys[i];
resultptr->elements[tempposition].value = paravalues[i];
return resultptr;
char hashsearch(listptr paraptr, int parakey) {
int tempposition = parakey % table_size;
while (paraptr->elements[tempposition].key != -1) {
if (paraptr->elements[tempposition].key == parakey) {
// printf("found\r\n");
return paraptr->elements[tempposition].value;
// printf("not this one for %d.\r\n", parakey);
tempposition = (tempposition + 1) % table_size;
// printf("looking at position %d\r\n", tempposition);
return 'x';
void hashsearchtest() {
int tempunsortedkeys[] = { 16, 33, 38, 69, 57, 95, 86 };
char tempcontents[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'r', 'd' };
listptr tempptr = initlist(tempunsortedkeys, tempcontents, 7);
printf("search result of 95 is: %c\r\n", hashsearch(tempptr, 95));
printf("search result of 38 is: %c\r\n", hashsearch(tempptr, 38));
printf("search result of 57 is: %c\r\n", hashsearch(tempptr, 57));
printf("search result of 4 is: %c\r\n", hashsearch(tempptr, 4));
int main() {
return 1;
collision, move forward for key 57.
collision, move forward for key 95.
collision, move forward for key 95.
search result of 95 is: r
search result of 38 is: l
search result of 57 is: w
search result of 4 is: x
哈希表(hash table)是一种非常重要的数据结构,它使用哈希函数(hashing function)将键(key)映射到存储桶(bucket)中,从而实现数据的快速存储、查找、删除等操作。哈希表在平均情况下能够实现o(1)的查找、插入和删除时间复杂度,因此被广泛应用于各种场景,如缓存系统、数据库索引、编程语言中的字典等。
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