422人参与 • 2024-09-17 • 网页播放器
使用 open xml sdk 实现 html 富文本转换为 docx 格式文档相对复杂。下面是一个示例。手动检测 <strong>和 <em> 标签并应用相应的文本格式。
using system; using documentformat.openxml; using documentformat.openxml.packaging; using documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing; class program { static void main() { string htmlcontent = "<p>this is <strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> text.</p>"; // 创建一个新的docx文档 using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.create("output.docx", wordprocessingdocumenttype.document)) { maindocumentpart mainpart = doc.addmaindocumentpart(); mainpart.document = new document(); body body = mainpart.document.appendchild(new body()); // 解析html并创建docx段落 string[] paragraphs = htmlcontent.split(new[] { "<p>", "</p>" }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries); foreach (string paragraphcontent in paragraphs) { paragraph paragraph = new paragraph(); run run = new run(); string[] tags = paragraphcontent.split(new[] { "<strong>", "</strong>", "<em>", "</em>" }, stringsplitoptions.none); foreach (string tag in tags) { runproperties runproperties = new runproperties(); if (tag.contains("<strong>")) { runproperties.bold = new bold(); } if (tag.contains("<em>")) { runproperties.italic = new italic(); } run.append(runproperties); run.append(new text(tag)); } paragraph.append(run); body.append(paragraph); } } console.writeline("html to docx conversion complete."); } }
需要根据 html 标记的不同来创建相应的 docx元素,例如将<p>标签映射到docx段落,将<strong>标签映射到粗体等。
using system; using system.io; using documentformat.openxml; using documentformat.openxml.packaging; using documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing; class program { static void main() { string htmlcontent = "<p>this is <strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> text.</p>"; // 创建一个新的docx文档 using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.create("output.docx", wordprocessingdocumenttype.document)) { maindocumentpart mainpart = doc.addmaindocumentpart(); mainpart.document = new document(); body body = mainpart.document.appendchild(new body()); // 解析html内容并创建相应的docx元素 processhtmlcontent(htmlcontent, body); doc.save(); } console.writeline("html to docx conversion complete."); } static void processhtmlcontent(string htmlcontent, openxmlelement parentelement) { // 解析html内容并将其映射到docx元素 // 这里需要根据html标记的不同来创建相应的docx元素 // 例如,<p>标签可以映射到段落,<strong>可以映射到粗体文本等 // 示例:将html段落转换为docx段落 if (htmlcontent.startswith("<p>") && htmlcontent.endswith("</p>")) { string paragraphtext = htmlcontent.substring(3, htmlcontent.length - 7); paragraph paragraph = new paragraph(new run(new text(paragraphtext))); parentelement.append(paragraph); } // 添加更多的html标记处理逻辑以满足你的需求 } }
using system; using system.io; using documentformat.openxml; using documentformat.openxml.packaging; using documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing; using htmltoopenxml; class program { static void main() { string htmlcontent = "<p>this is <strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> text.</p>"; // 创建一个新的docx文档 using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.create("output.docx", wordprocessingdocumenttype.document)) { maindocumentpart mainpart = doc.addmaindocumentpart(); mainpart.document = new document(); body body = mainpart.document.appendchild(new body()); // 使用html2openxml将html内容转换为docx元素 var converter = new htmlconverter(mainpart); converter.imageprocessing = imageprocessing.automaticdownload; var paragraphs = converter.parse(htmlcontent); foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs) { body.append(paragraph); } doc.save(); } console.writeline("html to docx conversion complete."); } }
带内联式 css 样式。
using system; using system.io; using system.text; using documentformat.openxml; using documentformat.openxml.packaging; using documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing; using htmltoopenxml; class program { static void main() { string htmlcontent = "<p style=\"color: blue; font-size: 14px;\">this is <strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> text.</p>"; // 创建一个新的docx文档 using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.create("output.docx", wordprocessingdocumenttype.document)) { maindocumentpart mainpart = doc.addmaindocumentpart(); mainpart.document = new document(); body body = mainpart.document.appendchild(new body()); // 使用html2openxml将html内容转换为docx元素 var converter = new htmlconverter(mainpart); converter.imageprocessing = imageprocessing.automaticdownload; var paragraphs = converter.parse(htmlcontent); foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs) { body.append(paragraph); } doc.save(); } console.writeline("html to docx conversion complete."); } }
带 css 样式应用
using system; using system.io; using system.text; using documentformat.openxml; using documentformat.openxml.packaging; using documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing; using htmltoopenxml; class program { static void main() { string htmlcontent = "<p class=\"my-paragraph\">this is <strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> text.</p>"; string externalcss = ".my-paragraph { color: blue; font-size: 14px; }"; // 创建一个新的docx文档 using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.create("output.docx", wordprocessingdocumenttype.document)) { maindocumentpart mainpart = doc.addmaindocumentpart(); mainpart.document = new document(); body body = mainpart.document.appendchild(new body()); // 将外部css样式转化为内联样式 htmlcontent = applyexternalcsstohtml(htmlcontent, externalcss); // 使用html2openxml将html内容转换为docx元素 var converter = new htmlconverter(mainpart); converter.imageprocessing = imageprocessing.automaticdownload; var paragraphs = converter.parse(htmlcontent); foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs) { body.append(paragraph); } doc.save(); } console.writeline("html to docx conversion complete."); } static string applyexternalcsstohtml(string htmlcontent, string externalcss) { // 解析外部css文件并将其应用于html内容 // 这里需要将css规则应用到html标记的内联样式中 // 在此示例中,我们简单地将css类名替换为内联样式 // 你可能需要更复杂的css处理逻辑,取决于外部css文件的内容和结构 // 将样式规则拆分为每个类 var cssrules = externalcss.split('}'); foreach (var rule in cssrules) { if (!string.isnullorwhitespace(rule)) { // 提取类名和样式属性 var parts = rule.split('{'); var classname = parts[0].trim(); var style = parts[1].trim(); // 将类名替换为内联样式 htmlcontent = htmlcontent.replace($"class=\"{classname}\"", $"style=\"{style}\""); } } return htmlcontent; } }
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