51人参与 • 2025-02-12 • Oracle
select database_role,flashback_on,open_mode,current_scn from v$database database_role flashback_on open_mode current_scn ---------------- ------------------ -------------------- --------------- physical standby no read only with apply 16657544972059
select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#; 生产库: sql> select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#; thread# max(sequence#) ---------- -------------- 1 136973 2 132693 4 149599 3 133277 --dg库 sys@hisnewdb> select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#; thread# max(sequence#) ---------- -------------- 1 136973 2 132693 4 149598 3 133277
select * from v$archived_gap;
select name ,value,time_computed from v$dataguard_stats where rownum<33; name value time_computed -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ transport lag +11 06:41:27 03/04/2021 16:41:20 apply lag +11 06:41:27 03/04/2021 16:41:20 apply finish time +00 04:23:39.868 03/04/2021 16:41:20 estimated startup time 37 03/04/2021 16:41:20
alter database recover managed standby databse cancel; --取消应用日志 alter database open read only; --打开只读库 alter database recover managed standby ; alter database recover managed standby disconnect from session; -- 后台应用,建议上面命令,放前台应用。
首先通过备库sql查出相应的 node[thread#] 和归档位置 name:
传输上面文件到备库归档位置 archive log list
备库上注册归档文件alter database register logfile '归档文件绝对路径'
或rman注册日志catalog start with '';
应用日志,查看select * from v$archive_gap;
started logmerger process thu mar 04 16:19:53 2021 managed standby recovery not using real time apply parallel media recovery started with 16 slaves waiting for all non-current orls to be archived... all non-current orls have been archived. media recovery waiting for thread 4 sequence 148164 fetching gap sequence in thread 4, gap sequence 148164-148165 thu mar 04 16:19:57 2021 completed: alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session ---------- thu mar 04 16:21:50 2021 fal[client]: failed to request gap sequence gap - thread 4 sequence 148164-148165 dbid 3828421454 branch 984679630 fal[client]: all defined fal servers have been attempted. ------------------------------------------------------------ check that the control_file_record_keep_time initialization parameter is defined to a value that's sufficiently large enough to maintain adequate log switch information to resolve archivelog gaps. ------------------------------------------------------------ thu mar 04 16:22:25 2021 rfs[18]: selected log 29 for thread 4 sequence 149600 dbid -466545842 branch 984679630 thu mar 04 16:22:25 2021
select thread#,low_sequence#,high_sequence# from v$archive_gap; col datafile_scn for 999999999999999 col datafile_header_scn for 999999999999999 col current_scn for 999999999999999 col next_change# for 999999999999999 select ( select min(d.checkpoint_change#) from v$datafile d ) datafile_scn , ( select min(d.checkpoint_change#) from v$datafile_header d where rownum=1) datafile_header_scn, (select current_scn from v$database) current_scn, (select next_change# from v$archived_log where sequence#=148164 and resetlogs_change# = (select d.resetlogs_change# from v$database d ) and rownum=1 ) next_change# from dual; datafile_scn datafile_header_scn current_scn next_change# ---------------- ------------------- ---------------- ---------------- 16657544969028 16657544972060 16657544972059
alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
run { allocate channel c1 device type disk; allocate channel c2 device type disk; allocate channel c3 device type disk; allocate channel c4 device type disk; allocate channel c5 device type disk; allocate channel c6 device type disk; configure device type disk parallelism 6 backup type to backupset; backup as compressed backupset current controlfile for standby format '/home/oracle/backup/backup_ctl_%u.rman'; backup as compressed backupset incremental from scn 16657544969028 database format '/home/oracle/backup/backup_%d_%s_%c_%u_%t.rman' include current controlfile for standby filesperset 10 tag 'forsdb_16657544969028_0304'; release channel c1 ; release channel c2 ; release channel c3 ; release channel c4 ; release channel c5 ; release channel c6 ;
scp -rp /home/oracle/backup/backup host2:/home/oracle
select name from v$controlfile; shu immediate; startup nomount;
rman target / <<eof restore standby controlfile from '/home/oracle/backup/backup_ctl_%u.rman'; alter database mount; eof
restore standby controlfile to '/oradata/hisnewdb/control01.ctl' from '/home/oracle/backup/某个文件';
rmant target / <<eof startup mount; catalog start with '/home/oracle/backup/'; list backup of controlfile; restore standby controlfile automatic; eof #大概是这样。restore standby controlfile automatic;如果不通,就采用上面list的信息,找到具体含有standby controflile的备份文件,再通过restore standby controfile from '';来恢复 。
catalog start with '/home/oracle/backup/'; recover database noredo;
set line 9999 select sid,serial#,opname,round(sofar/totalwork*100) completed,trunc(elapsed_seconds/60) elapsed ,trunc(time_remaining/60) remaining,context ,target,sofar,totalwork from v$session_longops where opname like 'rman%' and opname not like '%aggregate%' and totalwork!=0 and sofar<>totalwork;
检查standby redo files是否存在:
select * from v$standby_log;
注册standby redolog files
-- 添加单个文件: alter database add standby logfile group {组号} 'standby redo logs files 绝对目录文件'; -- 添加多个standby redologs file alter database add standby logfile group {组号} ('standby redo logs file 1','logfiles2');
alter database recover managed standby database cancel ; startup mount; alter database open read only; select open_mode,status,protection_level,protection_mode from v$database ; --前台应用日志 alter database recover managed standby database ; -- 8 parallel 后台应用日志 alter database recover managed standby database parallel 8 disconnect from session;
select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='yes' group by thread#;
到此这篇关于oracle dg 的归档缺失修复的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关oracle dg 的归档缺失修复内容请搜索代码网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持代码网!
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