95人参与 • 2024-08-06 • 机器学习
语音识别(speech recognition)是将人类语音信号转换为文本的技术,它有助于实现人机交互、语音搜索、语音助手等应用。自然语言理解(natural language understanding,nlu)是将自然语言文本或语音信号转换为计算机理解的结构化信息的过程,它是自然语言处理(natural language processing,nlp)领域的一个重要部分。
深度学习是一种基于神经网络的机器学习方法,它可以自动学习表示和抽取特征,从而实现高度自动化和高度准确的模型训练。深度学习在语音识别和自然语言理解等领域取得了显著的成果,例如在2016年的speech recognition challenge上,google的deepmind团队使用深度学习技术实现了5.9%的词错误率(word error rate,wer),超过传统方法。
隐马尔科夫模型(hidden markov model,hmm)是一种概率模型,它可以描述一个隐藏的马尔科夫过程和观测过程之间的关系。在语音识别中,hmm可以用于建模语音序列的生成过程,从而实现语音识别。
$$ \begin{aligned} p(o|h) &= \prod{t=1}^{t} p(ot|ht) \ p(h) &= \prod{t=1}^{t} p(ht|h{t-1}) \ p(h,o) &= \prod{t=1}^{t} p(ot|ht)p(ht|h_{t-1}) \end{aligned} $$
其中,$o$ 是观测序列,$h$ 是隐藏状态序列,$t$ 是序列长度,$ht$ 和 $ot$ 分别表示隐藏状态和观测值在时间步 $t$ 上的值。
深度神经网络(deep neural network,dnn)是一种多层的神经网络,它可以自动学习表示和抽取特征,从而实现高度自动化和高度准确的模型训练。在语音识别中,dnn可以用于建模语音序列的生成过程,从而实现语音识别。
$$ y = f(wx + b) $$
其中,$y$ 是输出,$f$ 是激活函数,$w$ 是权重矩阵,$x$ 是输入,$b$ 是偏置。
语义角色标注(semantic role labeling,srl)是将自然语言句子转换为语义角色和实体之间的关系的过程。在自然语言理解中,srl可以用于建模语义角色和实体之间的关系,从而实现自然语言理解。
$$ r(e1, ..., en) $$
其中,$r$ 是关系,$e1, ..., en$ 是实体。
关系抽取(relation extraction,re)是将自然语言句子转换为实体之间的关系的过程。在自然语言理解中,re可以用于建模实体之间的关系,从而实现自然语言理解。
$$ r(e1, e2) $$
其中,$r$ 是关系,$e1, e2$ 是实体。
```python from keras.models import sequential from keras.layers import dense, lstm, dropout
model = sequential() model.add(lstm(128, inputshape=(1, 80), returnsequences=true)) model.add(dropout(0.2)) model.add(lstm(128, returnsequences=true)) model.add(dropout(0.2)) model.add(lstm(128)) model.add(dense(64, activation='relu')) model.add(dense(numclasses, activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) ```
```python import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("encoreweb_sm")
text = "john gave mary a book."
doc = nlp(text) for token in doc: print(token.text, token.dep, token.head.text, token.head.pos) ```
```python import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("encoreweb_sm")
text = "john gave mary a book."
doc = nlp(text) for ent1, ent2, rel in doc.ents: print(ent1.text, ent2.text, rel) ```
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[12] y. bengio, p. wallach, j. schiele, a. farhadi, m. bengio, "learning to understand and generate natural language with deep neural networks," arxiv preprint arxiv:1603.05302, 2016.
[13] y. bengio, h. schwenk, a. courville, "a neural probabilistic language model," in proceedings of the 24th international conference on machine learning, 2003, pp. 100-107.
[14] j. graves, m. jaitly, y. bengio, "speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks: training a network in 2 hours," in proceedings of the 29th international conference on machine learning, 2013, pp. 1118-1126.
[15] y. zhang, h. zhou, y. zhang, "deep learning for natural language processing: a survey," arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.05335, 2018.
[16] a. vaswani, n. shazeer, n. parmar, j. uszkoreit, l. jones, a. gomez, l. kaiser, and illia polosukhin, "attention is all you need," arxiv preprint arxiv:1706.03762, 2017.
[17] y. bengio, p. wallach, j. schiele, a. farhadi, m. bengio, "learning to understand and generate natural language with deep neural networks," arxiv preprint arxiv:1603.05302, 2016.
[18] y. bengio, h. schwenk, a. courville, "a neural probabilistic language model," in proceedings of the 24th international conference on machine learning, 2003, pp. 100-107.
[19] j. graves, m. jaitly, y. bengio, "speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks: training a network in 2 hours," in proceedings of the 29th international conference on machine learning, 2013, pp. 1118-1126.
[20] y. zhang, h. zhou, y. zhang, "deep learning for natural language processing: a survey," arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.05335, 2018.
[21] a. vaswani, n. shazeer, n. parmar, j. uszkoreit, l. jones, a. gomez, l. kaiser, and illia polosukhin, "attention is all you need," arxiv preprint arxiv:1706.03762, 2017.
[22] y. bengio, p. wallach, j. schiele, a. farhadi, m. bengio, "learning to understand and generate natural language with deep neural networks," arxiv preprint arxiv:1603.05302, 2016.
[23] y. bengio, h. schwenk, a. courville, "a neural probabilistic language model," in proceedings of the 24th international conference on machine learning, 2003, pp. 100-107.
[24] j. graves, m. jaitly, y. bengio, "speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks: training a network in 2 hours," in proceedings of the 29th international conference on machine learning, 2013, pp. 1118-1126.
[25] y. zhang, h. zhou, y. zhang, "deep learning for natural language processing: a survey," arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.05335, 2018.
[26] a. vaswani, n. shazeer, n. parmar, j. uszkoreit, l. jones, a. gomez, l. kaiser, and illia polosukhin, "attention is all you need," arxiv preprint arxiv:1706.03762, 2017.
[27] y. bengio, p. wallach, j. schiele, a. farhadi, m. bengio, "learning to understand and generate natural language with deep neural networks," arxiv preprint arxiv:1603.05302, 2016.
[28] y. bengio, h. schwenk, a. courville, "a neural probabilistic language model," in proceedings of the 24th international conference on machine learning, 2003, pp. 100-107.
[29] j. graves, m. jaitly, y. bengio, "speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks: training a network in 2 hours," in proceedings of the 29th international conference on machine learning, 2013, pp. 1118-1126.
[30] y. zhang, h. zhou, y. zhang, "deep learning for natural language processing: a survey," arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.05335, 2018.
[31] a. vaswani, n. shazeer, n. parmar, j. uszkoreit, l. jones, a. gomez, l. kaiser, and illia polosukhin, "attention is all you need," arxiv preprint arxiv:1706.03762, 2017.
[32] y. bengio, p. wallach, j. schiele, a. farhadi, m. bengio, "learning to understand and generate natural language with deep neural networks," arxiv preprint arxiv:1603.05302, 2016.
[33] y. bengio, h. schwenk, a. courville, "a neural probabilistic language model," in proceedings of the 24th international conference on machine learning, 2003, pp. 100-107.
[34] j. graves, m. jaitly, y. bengio, "speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks: training a network in 2 hours," in proceedings of the 29th international conference on machine learning, 2013, pp. 1118-1126.
[35] y. zhang, h. zhou, y. zhang, "deep learning for natural language processing: a survey," arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.05335, 2018.
[36] a. vaswani, n. shazeer, n. parmar, j. uszkoreit, l. jones, a. gomez, l. kaiser, and illia polosukhin, "attention is all you need," arxiv preprint arxiv:1706.03762, 2017.
[37] y. bengio, p. wallach, j. schiele, a. farhadi, m. bengio, "learning to understand and generate natural language with deep neural networks," arxiv preprint arxiv:1603.05302, 2016.
[38] y. bengio, h. schwenk, a. courville, "a neural probabilistic language model," in proceedings of the 24th international conference on machine learning, 2003, pp. 100-107.
[39] j. graves, m. jaitly, y. bengio, "speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks: training a network in 2 hours," in proceedings of the 29th international conference on machine learning, 2013, pp. 1118-1126.
[40] y. zhang, h. zhou, y. zhang, "deep learning for natural language processing: a survey," arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.05335, 2018.
[41] a. vaswani, n. shazeer, n. parmar, j. uszkoreit, l. jones, a. gomez, l. kaiser, and illia polosukhin, "attention is all you need," arxiv preprint arxiv:1706.03762, 2017.
[42] y. bengio, p. wallach, j. schiele, a. farhadi, m. bengio, "learning to understand and generate natural language with deep neural networks," arxiv preprint arxiv:1603.05302, 2016.
[43] y. bengio, h. schwenk, a. courville, "a neural probabilistic language model," in proceedings of the 24th international conference on machine learning, 2003, pp. 100-107.
[44] j. graves, m. jaitly, y. bengio, "speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks: training a network in 2 hours," in proceedings of the 29th international conference on machine learning, 2013, pp. 1118-1126.
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